关于「 the Philippines」的内容列表

China Coast Guard: Take control measures against Philippine vessels in accordance with laws and regulations

On August 26, the WeChat official account of the Chinese Coast Guard released that on August 26, without the permission of the Chinese government, the Philippines sent coast guard ships No. 4409 and No. 4411 to illegally storm the waters near Xianbin Reef in the Nansha Islands of China, continuing to approach the Chinese coast guard ships with normal navigation dangerously and inciting hype.

2024-08-26 07:41:54
Philippine and Chinese law enforcement cooperate to repatriate 3 alleged offenders

On July 13, according to the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, the law enforcement agencies of China and the Philippines cooperated to repatriate three alleged offenders suspected of kidnapping Chinese citizens in the Philippines. The operation fully demonstrated the firm determination of the two countries to jointly crack down on crimes hidden in the offshore gaming industry.

2024-07-13 14:16:11
Two Chinese were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines before being asked for 15 million USDT ransom

Recently, two Chinese were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, and the police of the three countries have been involved in the investigation. The victims were Chinese citizens and Chinese-American Sun, who were engaged in the medical apparatus industry. They disappeared after arriving in the Philippines on June 20 and were found dead on June 24. Family members said that the kidnappers had asked for 15 million yuan and converted it into USDT virtual currency to call the designated account, b...

2024-07-04 06:05:21
Philippines adopts Tether's USDT to pay social security contributions

Tether has launched a new crypto payment option for Filipinos, allowing them to pay for the Social Security System (SSS) with USDT. In the Philippines, the Social Security System (SSS) is a state-run social insurance program that serves employees in the official, informal, and private sectors. Tether has partnered with Web3 shopping and infrastructure company Uquid to allow Filipino citizens to pay their Social Security funds with USDT on the TON blockchain.

2024-07-01 10:42:28

7x24 快讯

05:42 2025-03-24
Cathie Wood:ARK Invest近期逆势抄底加密货币关联资产
3月24日消息,ARK Invest创始人Cathie Wood表示,美国已陷入滚动式衰退(不同行业轮动衰退)。CathieWood对美国经济的短期前景持悲观态度,但预计美联储和特朗普政府将很快采取行动。CathieWood指出,特朗普关税重拳与裁员潮正迫使美国家庭捂紧钱包,对失业的恐惧让储蓄率飙升,消费引擎骤然熄火。她透露,方舟投资(ARK Invest)近期逆势抄底特斯拉、Coinbase与Robinh...
05:30 2025-03-24
美国财政部认为 Tornado Cash 案无需最终判决
据 Cointelegraph 报道,美国财政部表示,由于已于 3 月 21 日将加密混币服务 Tornado Cash 从制裁名单中移除,因此对其提起的法律挑战应被视为"无争议"。美国财政部...
05:27 2025-03-24
05:21 2025-03-24
BNB Chain生态DEX上周交易量达143.36亿美元,排名各链第一
05:21 2025-03-24
05:03 2025-03-24
Galaxy Digital从Binance提出1万枚ETH,约2042万美元
3月24日消息,据The Data Nerd监测,3小时前,Galaxy Digital从Binance提出1万枚ETH,约2042万美元。
04:50 2025-03-24
3月24日消息,据SoSoValue数据,上周以太坊现货ETF整体录得1.03亿美元净流出。其中,贝莱德ETHA净流出7400万美元居首,灰度迷你信托ETF ETH净流出2367万美元。唯一录得净流入的为灰度ETHE,流入287万美元。当前以太坊现货ETF总资产净值为67.7亿美元,占ETH总市值的2.84%。历史累计净流入24.2亿美元。
04:44 2025-03-24
OKX Wallet独立App在部分地区和部分设备还不可用
OKX Web3 产品负责人 Kyle 在 X 平台发文补充:“部分地区和设备用户可能还不可用,请大家再耐心等等。” 此前,Kyle 在社交媒体发文表示,“OKX Wallet 独立 App 已上架谷歌商店,搜索即可下载,上架 APP Store 正在审核中。”
04:23 2025-03-24
Solana链上AI概念币反弹,BUZZ 24小时涨超36%
04:08 2025-03-24
Mail3 宣布将于 3 月 31 日停止维护
04:08 2025-03-24
OKX Wallet 独立应用已上架谷歌商店
OKX Web3 产品负责人 Kyle 在社交媒体发文宣布,OKX Wallet 独立应用程序已正式上架谷歌商店,用户现可直接搜索"OKX Wallet"进行下载安装,App Store 正在审核中。
04:02 2025-03-24
金色午报 | 3月24日午间重要动态一览
7:00-12:00关键词:以太坊、Arthur Hayes、TRUMP 1.某鲸鱼地址昨晚在特朗普喊单TRUMP后追高亏损19.7万美元; 2.以太坊 2025 年 Q1 创历史最差表现,连续三月均呈负收益; 3.某个人矿工用Umbrel自托管节点成功挖出888989区块议; 4.Arthur Hayes押注比特币将先涨至11万美元; 5.Solana 联创:没有理由构建 L2,L1 可以更快、更便宜、更安全; 6.美国政府将向虚假加密投资网站受害者返还700...